Atomic-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy with Liquid Helium

Atomic Resolution

Atomic Resolution

Isolates vibrations for atomic resolution imaging across cryogenic temperatures.
(Data taken on a TFS Spectra 300)

Temperature stability

Temperature Stability with Long Hold Times

Temperature feedback control for 2 millikelvin stability below 25 K maintained over many hours.
(Data taken on a JEOL 3100)

Our innovative liquid helium flow design and specialized vibration damping enable precise temperature control, subatomic mechanical stability, and minimization of cryogen waste, leading to imaging at ultra-cold temperatures with unprecedented atomic resolution and 2 mK temperature stability. Data collection can run continuously for at least one full day. Sample drift is 50% lower than standard cryogenic holders.

Read about these advancements here or come to Booth 1434 at M&M in Cleveland to learn more.

Compatibility Across Platforms

Hold times The flexible and modular design enables cross-platform compatibility. Turn whatever microscope you currently have into a liquid-helium capable instrument, today. Contact us now for more information.

The Team

Robert Hovden, Ismail El Baggari, Emily Rennich, Benjamin Savitzky, Maya Gates, and Mike Blaney bring a wealth of demonstrated expertise in ultra-cold cryogenic electron microscopy for probing the next generation of materials and devices at the atomic scale.


